I woke up this morning with thoughts of the unknown + possibility on my heart.
The unknown.
Where all of my deepest dreams + desires are kept.
The unknown.
A far-off destination where few have traveled...because the roads are dark + unpaved, and you have to walk a lot of the way alone.
The unknown.
An intimidating and sometimes scary notion...prompting many to question what in the hell you are thinking to leave safety to venture into the wildnerness by yourself. Prompting many to voice their opinions that you wont make it.
Yes. The unknown and I go way back.
It's a relationship I've sometimes resented. And wished away.
And been afraid of.
But it's also a relationship I've fought for. And defended.
All without really + truly knowing what would be waiting for me once I got there.
To me, there is beauty in mystery. There is beauty in challenge. There is beauty in moving towards dreams. And so much possibility waiting.
I think about how many gorgeous adventures I'd have missed, if on every road trip, I always traveled on the paved roads. Lets face it. Mapquest doesn't always know the best route to your destination. ;)
For today, I'm pausing, slowing down, and remembering to celebrate the goodness that is the journey.
I'm giving myself permission to become friends with the unknown I've been living in, and invite possibility to the table. (Yes, there will be coffee + perhaps a donut;))
Will you join me?