we're living out of suitcases; driving the road that curves and winds along the ocean.
this time of year there's traffic, but that's just fine with me- I love drinking in the view of the water and the lighthouse and the birds.
my soul knows this road well and I can feel the gratitude deep in my bones
that we're back here again.
different than coming home for summertime during college, or for a long weekend.
last weekend was so gorgeous on the coast - it was almost hot, really. I had my windows rolled down, singing at the top of my lungs (
probably to this song), when all of this emotion rose up that nearly stopped me in my tracks.
it was my heart.
feeling the full depth of joy, freedom, happiness.
I hadn't realized these things had been missing until this moment.
and I'm sure if I had wings, I would have taken flight.
maybe there's more to life than always having a set plan laid out before you.
maybe it's alright when nothing seems to work out.
maybe this is what I've been missing all along.
so much possibility in the unknown.
when before there was only fear.
things are moving slowly, or not at all. our 'dream house' turned out to not really be our dream house at all. we have different priorities on what we want in a home.
but we're loving through the hard parts
and focusing on the good.