Saturday, March 12, 2011


Happy Saturday, friends!

There is just so much I want to share with you today -

This is absolutely the coolest coffee mug I own. It was a gift from my wonderful mother. She likes to spoil me, and usually brings me a little something whenever we get together (which is never often enough). But I think this is by far the best surprise yet! Doesn't it make you want to sip on some goodness all day long?

My wonderful friend Darcy sent me this AMAZING (and truly vintage) bracelet. It was waiting for me at the post office on Friday (and it was at the end of a very rough week, too - the timing could not have been better). Kindness like this is what makes the world a good place to be.

My brother's birthday is March 20 - so the count down is on until I can unveil his birthday surprise. I am seriously so. excited.

I had my first Etsy sale this week- yahoo! I am playing around with packaging (and trying to use what I have on hand).

I think tonight the hubby and I are going to watch the new movie with one of my favorites, Rachel McAdams! (Morning Glory? I cant remember the name!) I am so excited. She is so darling and I like to pretend that I am her sometimes:).


  1. love these pictures!!! im obssesssed with rachel mcadams... why didnt i know shes in a new movie?! let me know how it was! just found your bloG! :)

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog! Apparently I am out of the loop, and the Rachel McAdams movie isn't super new - I just haven't seen it yet! :)

  3. seriously love the mug! yay for moms!
