This morning was the epitome of happiness in my book: a gorgeous (full) moon + a chill in the air + early morning fog. This is what I believe heaven will be like.
Back to school ads are out(!!). You may see my mom and I roaming the school supply aisles at Target. Buying new notebooks and fancy pens. We just can't help it!
As a kid, nothing made me excited quite like a new Lisa Frank binder and some colorful markers. Forget about the school clothes! I guess some things never change. :)
Your vision of what heaven will be like is's a worthwhile pass time to consider! Funny that I ever had to wonder what my love language is when my head was set to "lah lah lah lah" when reading these words: night dress....stand in all the beauty. Plus + when considering ROAMING the school supply aisles: I can just see us and feel myself wondering why there aren't more and more aisles.